Thursday, November 10, 2011

翻新完成,香港快拍+(RoadSnapshot+) v4.0 推出!

有近三萬使用者的香港快拍剛推出v4.0,因應 google plus 的潮流本軟件亦都加入了 “plus” 以識別剛推出全新的版本 。經過翻新的香港快拍新增了不少功能,例如用家期待的地圖模式,記錄常用位置等。








注: 已知數碼通未能正常連接 google 天氣 api, 所以不能更新

下載請到以下連結或 qrcode 連接到下載頁。

Friday, September 9, 2011

我的 "小狗衝衝衝 live wallpaper" 被偷了去賣

早前貪有趣, 把高登討論區巴打們常用的小狗 GIF 製作了一個 Live wallpaper app, 並供網友們免費下載, 但因不知小狗圖片的版權, 所以當時並沒有放上 market, 而只提供 dropbox 的下載連結.

今日得到好友 K 提醒, 得悉有位朋友(名Golden Brother)把我數小時的心血 (笑) 拿了到 market 賣 $10, 這確實令我感到有點意外......還有一點榮幸 (再笑) 有網友提義我去報案, 其實當初沒有想過有任何回報, 今天都不會因而有所損失, 報案沒有必要了, 就到 market 舉報一下算吧. 如果大家有興趣可以到以下連結下載, 或許我會再修改一下原設計, 等大家可以隨意匯入 GIF 圖取代小狗圖以解決版權問題, 到時再免費放上 market 吧.



Friday, June 10, 2011

Android 香港快拍 v3.0.1 更新

v3.0.1 (2011-06-09)
- 選單加入交通消息更新
- 加入特別交通消息,發生交通事故時,特別交通消息可讓你得知最新的特別行車及公共交通安排。 

Download From Android Market

Friday, May 20, 2011

小狗衝衝衝 Live Wallpaper v2.0

- 小狗會隨機向左右衝
- 可自定快慢
- 可自定小狗數量 
- 可自定背景

*只支援可使用 live wallpaper 的 android 2.1 及以上機種

因不知小狗圖片版權,所以不放上 market 了。


Friday, April 29, 2011

Android 香港快拍 v2.0 更新

v2.0.0 (2011-04-29)
- 全面支援所有網絡, 包括數碼通等

Monday, April 18, 2011

[Android] Smile For Japan

Let's share your smile and blessing to Japan.

On March 11 at 2:46pm JST a massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred near the northeastern coast of Japan, creating extremely destructive tsunami waves which hit Japan just minutes after the earthquake, and triggering evacuations and warnings across the Pacific Ocean. The earthquake and tsunami have caused extensive and severe damage in Northeastern Japan, leaving thousands of people confirmed dead, injured or missing, and millions more affected by lack of electricity, water and transportation.

Since we are incapable to change what the earthquake has been caused to Japan, why don't we give our best blessing to Japan? How about let us get together with positive strength and pray for victims suffered from the disaster? Please take a picture of yourself and your friends with smiles and leave your sincere blessing for Japan. Your message will translate to Japanese(Powered by Google Translate).

Your smile and message will also publish to

*All banner revenue will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross Society donation account.


Friday, April 15, 2011

[Android] GReadNotifier v0.2.1 Released

2011-04-16 v0.2.1
- Use google credentials to get authorization, not require to input password anymore.
- Auto restart service after reboot
- Fix date time

GReadNotifier put your most updated Google Reader feed to your notification bar, make it like a news ticker. You can read your feed anytime even running another app on top(except those hide the bar). Click your interested item to see full article, customizable display time to suit your need.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Multi Pics v1.0.7 Released

With Multi Pics, you can take one or combine more photos to make new images with your creative. Multi Pics is a photo editing tool with lot of editing options. You can share photos or effects with friends.

Edit Option:
Add text, contrast, brightness, color translate, add noise, add vignette, special effect, border size, border color.....

If you found any problems on your device, please email me with your device model, version and problem detail to me, I will try to fix it asap.

*Motorola Cliq xt, Defy, Dell Steak, HTC Evo 4G may not support at this moment.

FAQ below:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Android 香港快拍 v1.1 推出

因為香港天眼落架同用唔到, 所以索性自己寫個....



Sunday, February 6, 2011

Camera3D v1.5 released

- GIF export now support more than 2 images
- Customize GIF export: customize size and seconds per frame
- Add Overlay switch button, now you can take circular image by using the switch button to reference the first image to match to the end image.
- Fix hardware button bugs

Monday, January 31, 2011

Android App Multi Pics 0.4.0 Preview

簡單易用, 可拍 1-6 張, 拍到第幾張都好, 可以按 preview 轉到 preview mode, preview mode 可校 contrast, 光暗, 邊框闊度, 邊框顏色.....

遲下會加 7 同 8 張, 同埋保麗萊 mode, color tone.........

Friday, January 21, 2011

Camera 3D v1.4.1 updated

- Allow to take more than 5 images, limit is 99 but you have to try the maximum view images in your devices
- Export vibrating stereo to GIF:
  Gallery -> view Vibrating stereo image -> menu -> export
  or Gallery -> long click item -> export photo to gif
- Support flash torch mode
- Support app2sd
- Support camera hard key
- Support more devices
- Language: Português

- Flash light support
- Focus lock indicator added
- Support more devices

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Android App - Camera 3D released!

Make 3D images on your device!

Tips to take good 3D pictures:
- Always take from left to right.
- Don't move your device too far away from your last position.
- Try to match the object from the last picture's overlay.
- Slide the screen left or right to change last picture overlay's opacity.
- Try to put the object in the middle of the screen.

You can take 2 or 5 photos to make "3D" images:

Vibrating Stereo:
- Take 2 pictures, and click "Vibrating Stereo" to preview as vibrating stereo.
- Vibrate 2 images to produce 3D effect, you can slide the screen to change vibration speed.

5-face photo:
- Take 5 pictures and preview as 5-face 3D image
- Use accelerometer/slide to control the faces of the image

*You cannot share the "3D" images right now(they are not still pictures), but I am working on it.

- Grey screen and cannot save problem fixed
- support more devices